Ready for the Total Eclipse?

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Watching the solar eclipse from the Executive offices on September 10, 1923. Courtesy of the Library of Congress.

12900v Coolidges solar eclipse 1-24-25

Viewing another solar eclipse through blackened glass panes, from the front of the White House, January 24, 1925. Courtesy of the Library of Congress.

44779v Coolidges watching solar eclipse from WH lawn 1-24-25

An annular eclipse (moon appears smaller as it passes between sun and earth, creating an annulus or “ring” of sunlight) had occurred on March 17, 1923, followed by the total eclipse of September 10 that same year. Finally, the third overall and second total eclipse of their time in Washington is captured here with the Coolidges enjoying the view while one of their collies — and the moon — remain in motion. Courtesy of the Library of Congress.

Motion picture of the 1925 eclipse from an airship over one of the best vantage points at the time, New York. The view of the eclipse starts at 3:00 minutes into the video. Thanks to Mike Kentrianakis for sharing this incredible record.

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