On Factual News Reporting and a Responsible Press, Part 1

The younger, smaller but historically relentless competitor of the Associated Press, United Press Associations, as it was originally known, broke coverage on some of the most pivotal events in history. It was the first to announce Armistice to the world in 1918 from France, the first to cover developments during the Second World War through reports obtained directly from various points in the European theater, the first to disclose the horrific assassination of John F. Kennedy and the first to secure interviews with most of the twentieth century’s foreign leaders, from Emperor Hirohito to Joseph Stalin to Adolf Hitler. Under its President, Roy W. Howard, the United Press achieved a preeminent reputation for world news coverage throughout the Coolidge years, upholding its motto, “Get it First, but First, Get it Right.”

Looking back over its first twenty years, the organization that had begun in 1907 with E. W. Scripps combining three Midwestern papers, had much for which to be proud as part of America’s press. United Press was hardly resting on its laurels, however. It is illustrative that it not only recognized its serious role in international relations but recognized, by inviting President Coolidge to deliver the address at their twentieth anniversary Dinner in New York City, there was much more a responsible press has to do.

President Coolidge, not about to forgo the importance of balancing a consideration of obligations alongside privileges, would keep this a central theme in his speech before those gathered from the United Press. “It is axiomatic,” he would remind his audience, “that a free press can exist only in a free country. One of the first efforts of all kinds of absolutism is to control the press and the schools as the sources of information and education of the people.” The press enjoyed freedom in this country out of both National and State constitutions, but “it has a reciprocal duty of its own to perform toward the administration of the Government, of giving true reports to the people of the actions of public officials.” The press, if it were to retain its First Amendment freedoms, cannot cover for the wrongs of those in power. The press cannot conveniently hide or twist the truth to suit personal political agendas, protect friends in office, manipulate electoral outcomes or otherwise adopt attitudes foreign to America’s history, people, institutions and interests. To do so, Coolidge knew, “would be to establish a petty tyranny of its own.” Retaining an unsinkable faith in the judgment of the American people, he then boldly asserted, “In America the general sources of information are so numerous and on the whole so correct that any publication which constantly misrepresents very soon becomes marked as unreliable and loses its influence both for good and for harm.”

The President continued, “It is natural that the press should represent the character of the government under which it lives and of the people which it serves. I have come to have a profound regard for the American press because it represent America. In the accuracy of its reports, the intelligence of its comments, and the freedom of its actions, I know of no other country where it is surpassed…Because America is what it is, you are what you are.” However, Coolidge’s praise for what constitutes a responsible free press included warnings about the danger of departing from those standards. “Whenever any section of our press turns on America and on American institutions, and assumes a foreign attitude, every informed person knows that it has fallen from the high state which is our common heritage, and becoming no longer worthy of regard is destined to defeat and failure. No American can profit by selling his own country for foreign favor.”

The President surveyed the room full of reporters and editors, seeing many who had covered the happenings at home and abroad since the adventurous days of Roosevelt, out of the turmoil of war under Wilson and finally, through the work of reestablishing peace under Harding and Coolidge. Even before he stood to speak, Coolidge recognized the need to explain the Nation’s foreign policy. He started by outlining basic principles, the role America as a new power plays as well as the crucial part the press holds in world affairs. “The policy that our Nation is trying to promote throughout the world is one of peace and good will based on a better understanding through justice and fair dealing.” This was accomplished by relying on three elements to advance this cause. First, the National Government promotes this better understanding as it “comes into contact through its duly constituted officers with the governments and people of other countries.” America is no belligerent country “desirous of oppression or bent on conquest. Our whole history and tradition, the moderation of our Military Establishment and the general attitude of our people, would altogether disprove any such assumption.”

Second, the connections of trade and commerce promote this better understanding. The advantage, Coolidge reminded his audience, was not a one-sided “exploitation” of the world by Americans. Commercial interaction rendered a very strong and vibrant mutual benefit to those who come here from abroad to engage in business, to those who go overseas to lend their skills to opening undeveloped parts of the world and to all who build, invest and serve. It is the law of service in operation after all, Coolidge observed. As such, there is no justification for utilitarian motives, seizure of property or the “failure to give fair compensation for their labor.” Eeach individual’s labor has worth in the market, not merely those with political strength or social standing. Justice and humanity, accurately defined, has to direct our interaction with other nations “to maintain the respect and friendship of foreign peoples.”

Third, the state of the public mind is the most important means of promoting a better understanding. Nations grounded in an ongoing effort to comprehend one another and exercise a healthy measure of good will do not “find themselves at war” overnight. It is after a “long series of misunderstandings and abuses” that the hostile feelings harbored inside the mind break out into the open with the smallest provocation. By preempting this first step, removing the clutter of animosity and unfamiliarity that accumulates between different people through ignorance, the road to just and equitable dealings with the world is made all the clearer. The press can either accomplish remarkable good or inflict great harm in proportion its commitment: either to inform Americans with honest news reporting or merely exacerbate prejudices and enmities with tainted information. “It is for these reasons that the public press, especially the daily newspapers and weekly periodicals, has such an enormous influence in creating a situation that brings the blessings of peace or is fraught with the perils of war.”

Coolidge elaborated plainly how the press can “endanger our friendly relations,” being under no illusions that America’s media does carry this immense degree of influence around the world. If not directly creating war, the press has the ability to injure the indispensable foundation of trust between nations vital for trade and understanding to exist. Yet, if the press were to engage in “constant criticism and misrepresentation of foreign people” prompted by a “narrow and bigoted nationalism,” it would not only misinform at home but foster an unnecessary bitterness abroad. Furthermore, if the press indulges in “malicious and misleading partisan attacks on the conduct of our own Government in its efforts to defend American rights” an outcome equally as destructive results. The President condemned both extremes. Instead, when our Government is proceeding deliberately to “adjust differences,” defend “the rights of its citizens,” and maintain “national dignity” it is necessary that the press exercise “great care…to give the public the exact facts and avoid the appearance of seeming to support the position of foreign governments.” To take such a side against America “only furnishes ammunition for our adversaries,” attacking “our own forces in the rear.”

Coolidge grasped not only the rewards of freedom of the press, he encouraged some of the best journalists of his day never to forsake that behind those freedoms depend great responsibilities. Coolidge reminds us that the press exists to provide the people with the precise facts and honest reporting to be expected from those who are to represent America’s ideals. The press is to render its support and service to its country because America is worthy of so high a standard of excellence. Consequently, patriotism is not a betrayal of responsible news coverage, it is a manifestation of a free and credible press. It is seen in the daily demand of informed citizens to be armed with the truth and equipped with those facts to better understand the world and America’s righteous role in it. That ideal role endures, not as a force for oppression and exploitation, but as a firm friend of anyone on the side of lawful liberty. That role endures as an advocate of genuine fairness and justice everywhere. But also, that role endures as a peacemaker, laying aside ignorance, martial conquest and nationalist bigotry for a truer understanding and readiness to serve. Love for all that America is is not a narrow nationalism, it is simply a commitment to our eternally right founding principles. Or, as Coolidge ever succinctly put it, “An American press which has all the privileges which it enjoys under our institutions, and which derives its support from the progress and well-being of our people, ought to be first of all thoroughly American.”

On Andrew Jackson and America’s Pioneering Spirit

President Coolidge presenting a wreath at the Jackson Memorial in Lafayette Park, January 1924.

President Coolidge presenting a wreath at another landmark in honor of the General and 7th President, the Jackson Memorial in Lafayette Park, January 1924.

“One of the great sources of the strength of our country has been the pioneering spirit…Our people have ever been going forth into the forest and over the plain to establish themselves in the region of the unknown. They have sought new fields to conquer. They have been pioneers, however, not only in the physical world, but in the realm of ideas. The frontier has long since disappeared…but the ambition to enter uncharted regions of industry, of enterprise, of social relations, and of thought continues with increasing fervor.”

“We would miss much of the significance and meaning of the history of the United States unless we took into account this outstanding quality. Our whole outlook has been greatly influenced by it. It is the complete antithesis of all systems of class and caste…” Instead of finding that their place in life, and the way to think “had been previously ordained for them” America “came into existence” for the very “purpose of escaping from this doctrine…The people who came here were seeking freedom of action and freedom of mind. The great revelation of our country has been that men are not born to servitude and obscurity. They are born to all the possibilities of a glorious station which can be won by their own achieving.” Such is the essential difference between self-governed liberty and security by coercion and conformity. It resides in the confidence that we can be trusted with freedom and are born for great things, not the bureaucratic management of our mediocrity.

America’s history is something of which to we can yet find reason to admire and honor. The pioneers who lived and triumphed “by their own achieving” is not the rare exception, it is “our national epic…It is a record of untiring effort, undaunted courage, and persevering will, all of which have set an inextinguishable mark upon the history of our country.”

“One of the outstanding figures which so well represents this development of our national life is Andrew Jackson, the seventh President of the United States…Thrown on his own resources as he was, he grew up proud and high tempered, oftentimes violent in his disposition, and considerably interested in the sports of the countryside…” From the study of law he went on to serve as Tennessee’s first Representative in the House. General Jackson would go on to defeat the attacking British in New Orleans on January 8, 1815, before word of peace had reached our shores. “New Orleans being under martial law, he was soon engaged in altercations with the civil authorities. He did not hesitate to arrest judges and the United States attorney when they interfered with his orders…When civil authority was resumed he submitted to a fine of $1,000 for contempt of court. ‘I have during the invasion,’ he said, ‘exerted every one of my facilities for the defense and preservation of the Constitution and the laws. Considering obedience to the laws, even when we think them unjustly applied, is the first duty of the citizen. I entreat you to remember the example I have given you of respectful submission to the administration of justice.’ Nearly 30 years later the Congress remitted the fine with interest.”

“This was a most significant statement. It might well have been pondered by those who were undertaking to argue away the Constitution after General Jackson became President. Here was a man who stood ready to fight a duel, if he thought the circumstances required it – of an impetuous nature and impatient of all restraint, yet clearly announcing the supremacy of law. More than that, he was acting upon that principle…He believed that at all times and in all places the duly constituted authority of law should be supreme.”

The statute of Andrew Jackson, given by the State of Tennessee and accepted by President Coolidge stands underneath the dome of the Capitol in Washington, where Coolidge, in 1928, delivered the address featured here.

The statute of Andrew Jackson, to which President Coolidge refers, stands underneath the dome of the Capitol in Washington.

Coolidge, finding much to admire about his predecessors, was not above the firm criticism or even the refrain of praise. Yet, when he identified closely with a frailty, he exemplified a remarkable measure of charity and understanding. Such was the case with President Jackson’s temper. Known for his outward calm, Coolidge could give vent to a fiery wrath of his own at times. Whereas some Presidents would look with hypocritical disdain, even withering contempt, for some of those who came before them, Coolidge practiced a humble forbearance, especially when it came to judging history. Being keenly aware of his own flaws, how could he harshly condemn others with all the benefits of hindsight while he shared in that lack of perfection too? He was no partisan hack either, taking cheap shots for their own sake, as his reflections on the Democrat Jackson make plain. In Coolidge, there was no double standard. For Calvin, treating others as we would be treated was not a trite phrase, it was his life. It is not the suppression of passionate conviction, it is sharing (regardless of party) a common fidelity to the supremacy of law and love for our exceptional foundations. It was simply what Americans, imbibing deeply the spirit of the pioneers, do.

As Coolidge surveyed the legacy of President Jackson, he revealed how profound an impact his predecessor had upon him, the Office and the Nation. “He was regarded as a President of the people, and in seeking to remove their burdens and improve their condition he favored economy and payment of the public debt. When this should be done, he favored dividing the surplus revenues among the States. He also criticized the United States Bank,” taking on (like Coolidge many years later) controversial issues which could easily have been deferred to others in the future.

Coolidge reminded his audience that Jackson, while not always consistent, held courageously to both the preservation of the Union and the obligations of the Executive. In the midst of Jackson’s historic battle with Calhoun over nullification in April 1833, he affirmed,

” ‘Our Federal Union – it must be preserved.’ ”

“Without reference to his former views on the tariff or States rights, when this ordinance was passed, President Jackson declared, ‘The duty of the Executive is a plain one. The laws will be executed and the Union preserved by all the constitutional and legal means he is invested with.’ He soon followed this with a proclamation denying the right of secession, refuting the power of a State to set aside an act of Congress, and asserting the supremacy of the Federal Constitution. This proclamation has been regarded as one of the best state papers of any American President…A service of this nature, rather at variance with some of the positions he had formerly taken and some of the policies strongly supported in his own party, could only have been performed by a great man.”

Tennessee Gentleman, portrait of Jackson from 1831. Part of the collection at The Hermitage, Nashville.

Tennessee Gentleman, portrait of Jackson from 1831. Part of the collection at The Hermitage, Nashville.

“His fight on the bank was not yet ended. His next move was an attempt to withdraw the public deposits…Of course, a violent change of this nature affecting the financial policies of the Nation, was bound to have an economic effect throughout the country. Government funds in local banks were used for speculation, which, as usual, brought the reaction of depression.” It is especially noteworthy that President Coolidge includes this concise illustration from history about speculation at a time coinciding with feckless investment in quick money on the market throughout 1928, the year of this speech. It was another occasion where President Coolidge gave sober warning to any who would heed. In this, and many other ways, his attempts to carefully “tap the brakes” (so as not to discourage sound growth) met with little notice at the time. “Opinions have differed,” just as they would over the causes and cures of the recession turned Great Depression of the 1930s, “but no one doubts the great courage of President Jackson in opposing it or the public approbation he received in support of his policy.” Jackson, contrary to Arthur Schlesinger’s wishful claim, was hardly the precursor of FDR, who spent while Jackson paid off the Nation’s entire debt and assumed greater supervision of individual freedoms while Jackson kept faith in the people to govern themselves.

No doubt anticipating his own retirement from public office in just less than eleven more months, President Coolidge turned to Jackson’s departure from Washington. “On the 7th of March, 1837, he set out for his old home, The Hermitage. He had triumphed over opponents who were considered then, and rank now, among the greatest statesmen of his day. Calhoun had gone down on nullification. The great figure of Daniel Webster had stood with the President on that issue, but had opposed his banking policies. Clay had compromised and lost…If at times he was high tempered and overbearing, there is no fairer story of chivalrous devotion and affectionate consideration than that which he lavished upon his wife. In her benign presence he was all submission.”

“History accords him one of the high positions among the great names of our country. He gave to the nationalist spirit through loyalty to the Union a new strength which was decisive for many years. His management of our foreign affairs was such as to secure a wholesome respect for our Government and the rights of its citizens. He left the Treasury without obligations and with a surplus. Coming up from the people, he demonstrated that there is sufficient substance in self-government to solve important public questions and rise superior to a perplexing crisis. Like a true pioneer, he broke through all the restraints and impediments into which he was born, and leaving behind the provincialisms and prejudices of his day pushed out toward a larger freedom and a sounder Government, carrying the country with him.”

“In recognition of the great qualities of her most illustrious son, the State of Tennessee has presented his statue to the National Government. In gratitude for the preeminent service which he rendered, I, as President of the United States, accept it, to stand here in the Hall of Fame so long as this Capitol shall endure.”

It was underneath this awesome scene that President Coolidge accepted the statute of Andrew Jackson, April 15, 1928.

It was underneath this stunning view that President Coolidge accepted the bronze statute of Andrew Jackson from the State of Tennessee, April 15, 1928.

On Thomas Jefferson

Jefferson by Thomas Sully, 1821-22

Jefferson by Thomas Sully, 1821-22

“In spite of all his greatness, anyone who had as many ideas a Jefferson was bound to find some of them would not work. But this does not detract from the wisdom of his faith in the people and his constant insistence that they be left to manage their own affairs. His opposition to bureaucracy will bear careful analysis, and the country could stand a great deal more of its application. The trouble with us is that we talk about Jefferson but do not follow him. In his theory that the people should manage their government, and not be managed by it, he was everlastingly right” — Calvin Coolidge on the third President, 1929, The Autobiography, p.215.

“About the time of the adoption of the Constitution, Jefferson wrote of his disapproval of parties, and somewhat later John Marshall expressed the same opinion. Yet when Jefferson undertook the practical administration of the Government and had a conscientious desire to promote the rule of the people, he became such a thorough party organizer that he has ever since stood as the patron saint of that method of expressing the will of the people. He realized that there was no choice between that system and turning over the administration of public affairs to an oligarchy or an aristocracy. The great place which he holds in our political history is due to his thorough comprehension of that fundamental principle” (Coolidge in one of the last essays he would write, entitled “Political Parties,” published posthumously in the Saturday Evening Post, 1934).

Today marks the 271st anniversary of Jefferson’s birth. A thought-provoking piece by Dr. Clyde Wilson reminds us in “Looking for Thomas Jefferson” to dig past the layers of academic veneer that obscure who he was, how he thought and why he is great…taken, like Coolidge, on his terms not through the lens of modern political prejudices. Historical study, to remain sound and honest however, must resist the urge to replace one set of biases with another. Any scholar must be approached with careful perspective to let the subject lead and inform not conform to the observer’s views.