On Saving the World: One Spirit At a Time

“In every quarter of the globe [Easter Sunday] will be observed in memory of a risen Saviour. So far reaching has been this event, so wide has become the realm of Christendom, that it would be difficult to find anywhere on earth a human being whose life has not been modified in some degree by the influence of the Christian religion.

“Outside the teachings of religion there is no answer to the problems of life. Our international and social relations cannot be solved by material forces. Armaments, wages, profits are not mere questions of quantity. They are questions of quality. Changing and fixing their amount will afford no final solution.

“What is needed is a change of mind, a change of attitude toward the use of these material things and toward each other. The real problems of the world are not material, but spiritual. Easter teaches us the reality of the things that are unseen and the power of the spirit.” — Calvin Coolidge, April 3, 1931

The Coolidge cats, Blackie and Tige (ever mistrustful of limited government) before their liberty to raid bird’s nests, terrorize the rabbits, and commit felonies in the nation’s capital was curtailed by bell-bearing collars, open-air pens, and house arrest. It seems apparent from Tige’s initial reconnaissance which cat will have the tendency to commit the first felony.

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