Congratulations to the Red Sox!

ImageGrace Coolidge, the “First Lady of Baseball,” as designated by the Washington Senators and Boston Red Sox in 1955, would be especially proud of her team and their victory in the World Series.

ImageThe first pennant brought home to Boston since 1918, the Red Sox could claim no more devoted fan than Calvin Coolidge’s wife. She truly loved the game but her husband also contributed to the thrill of it all in his own way.

ImageAfter the 1924 Series ended, President Coolidge offered this inspiring tribute to America’s game,

“To those who devote themselves to this enterprise in a professional way and by throwing their whole being into it raise it to the level of an art, the country owes a debt of gratitude. They furnish us with amusement, with an outside interest, oftentimes in the open air, that quickens the step, refreshes the mind, rejuvenates and restores us. We pitch with the pitchers, we go to bat with the batters, and make a home run with the hard hitters. The training, the energy, the intelligence which these men lavish upon their profession ought to be an inspiration for a like effort in every walk of life. They are great band, these armored knights of the bat and ball. They are held up to a high standard of honor on the field, which they have seldom betrayed. While baseball remains our national game our national tastes will be on a higher level and our national ideals on a firmer foundation” (Foundations of the Republic, “Good Sportsmanship,” October 1, 1924, pp.131-2).

Boston fans cheer the Red Sox victory in 1915.

Boston fans cheer the Red Sox victory in 1915.

“I held the stakes”

This was Governor Coolidge’s response to an exasperated woman who had tried and failed at drawing out from him some colorful story of his college days. He had no lurid skeletons in his past and no interesting secrets to reveal. In desperation to fill her magazine article, she asked, “Surely, Mr. Coolidge, you must have taken some part in athletics at the college.”

Coolidge, without ever breaking a smile, replied, “Yes, I did, an important part.”

Entirely lured in to the prospect that she had her story, the journalist breathlessly followed up, “Oh, that is fine, and what part did you take, Governor Coolidge?” To which he answered with the words above.
